Thursday, February 27, 2014

We're all about lift stations!


Waste-water lift stations are facilities designed to move waste-water from lower to higher elevation, particularly where the elevation of the source is not sufficient for gravity flow and/or when the use of gravity conveyance will result in excessive excavation depths and high sewer construction costs.
Lift stations are used to reduce the capital cost of sewer system construction.  When gravity sewers are installed in trenches deeper than three meters (10 feet), the cost of sewer line installation increases significantly because of the more complex and costly excavation equipment and trench shoring techniques required.  The size of the gravity sewer lines is dependent on the minimum pipe slope and flow.  Pumping waste-water can convey the same flow using smaller pipeline size at shallower depth, and thereby, reducing pipeline costs. 


Pump Outs Unlimited Inc is well equipped to get any job done , no matter how big or how small. 
We offer free, no obligation estimates. Call us today! 305.620.7005

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

We also offer line jetting services!

Our jetting service will remove and clear this sediment by

  • Penetrating grease
  • Breaking up sludge and debris
  • Destroying roots
  • Eliminating Hardened scale
  • Flushing out the system

If you are experiencing any of these types of problems, don’t wait until it becomes too late and the repairs become costly. Rely on the professionalism of our staff. We can assist you with this and any other plumbing issues you may have.
We will be pleased to prepare a formal proposal for your firm at your request based on the facilities at which you may need our services.

9405 NW 109 St Suite #5 Miami FL 33178
1-800-283-1495 : 24-7 Hotline
305-620-7005 : Office
305-620-7004 : Fax

Monday, February 24, 2014

Always look to the experts

We realize that our customers always have a choice when seeking out vendors to service their drains, traps and lift stations.

Our firm enjoys the feedback of our clients because we feel that is our best advertising. As a small business, we treat all of our clients bi and small as our ultimate priority.

We make sure to inform and educate all of our clients on ways that they can become more efficient and resourceful.

Want to see a client of our happy customers?

Head on over to our website today!

Happy Monday!!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

How to maintain a grease trap.

The answer is simple....No.  Never add bleach, emulsiļ¬ers, enzymes or any other chemical to the grease trap.  These agents harm the natural bacteria that eat grease and oils in grease traps. Bacteria consume fat, oil and grease in the trap, turning them into water and carbon dioxide.

The sure fire way to maintain your grease trap is peak working condition is proper maintenance.
Call us today and we can send you a free, no obligation proposal for grease trap maintenance.

Need a new grease trap installed? We do that too!! Call us today! (305) 620-7005

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Storm Drains, Storm Drains, Storm Drains

Storm Drain maintenance is not a job for the faint hearted. 
It's smelly, long, complicated tedious work... but we love it!
Pump Outs Unlimited INC takes pride in providing exceptional service at a cost effective price. We focus on making YOU happy. We try our best to establish a special relationship with each and every client.

If you're interested in Storm Drain maintenance, servicing and or cleaning: Feel free to contact our office (305) 620-7005 

Our friendly staff will assist you with any questions or concerns you may have.

Pump Outs Unlimited
9405 NW 109th Street Suite 5
Miami, Fl 33178
Phone: (305)620-7005/(800)283-1495
Fax: (305)620-7004

Friday, February 14, 2014

Friday and Valentine's day together??!! How sweet it is!!

We would like to wish all of our readers a very happy Valentine's day! We hope that this day brings you great joy and fond memories!

Don't be scared to ask your loved one for a Pump Out as your gift!!

It's gotta get done!! LoL

Thursday, February 13, 2014

POU...the lift station experts!

Pump Outs Unlimited Inc.

Pump Outs Unlimited is staffed with factory certified technicians  This ensures you that your equipment is being properly serviced by the most knowledgeable and qualified personnel available.
We recommend that all systems with pumps and motors are checked monthly to avoid any problems. The number of visits depends on the number of hours your system is operating... Having your lift station or pump station maintained will not only save you money but also keep you in compliance with state regulations.
Pump Outs Unlimited can customize a service program to fit your pump station needs all while taking your pocket book into consideration. We take pride in providing exceptional work at a cost effective price. 
Pump Outs Unlimited service all pumps and motors, sewer lift station, storm water lift stations, clean water booster pumps, controls and generators.

If you have any questions or should need further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at (305) 620-7005 or email us at

Monday, February 10, 2014

Servicing Lift Stations

Lift stations units are commonly built as a factory assembled package system. Key elements of lift stations include a wastewater treatment receiving well, equipped with lift pumps and piping with valves, a junction box, and an equipment control panel with alarm system.
The submersible type lift/pump station can be utilized on low flow, low head type installations. Two types of pumps are available for this application, grinder pumps and solids handling pumps.

The water that goes down your drain to the sewer, water that flows into storm drains is not treated and filtered for pollutants. This contaminated water flows into canals, into streams and lakes, then ends up in the ocean. Everything other than pure rain water is a potential contaminant that degrades water quality. 
That is why here at Pump Outs Unlimited we provide service to grease traps, storm drains and lift stations throughout the South Florida region. Don't get stuck in a frantic and take the preventive measures needed to keep your business running smoothly. 
 Call us now for a FREE proposal!!!

 Pump Outs Unlimited
9405 NW 109th Street Suite 5
Miami, Fl 33178
Phone: (305)620-7005/(800)283-1495
Fax: (305)620-7004

Friday, February 7, 2014

Another happy storm drain customer!

We had the pleasure this week of servicing a happy return client!! It was a fairly large shopping center and we serviced almost 100, yes that's right ONE HUNDRED storm drains!

Here at Pump Outs Unlimited we pride ourselves on quality!! Each and every site that we service has our complete attention, we advise clients openly and ethically.

Visit our website today to take a look at the various services that we offer and as always, your estimate is completely free!

Make it a wonderful Friday readers!

Monday, February 3, 2014

What do you want to see on our Pump Outs blog?

Happy Monday readers!!! We hope you all had a wonderful weekend! How about that Super Bowl huh??!! Congratulations to the Seattle Seahawks!!

So, every couple of months we like to ask you our readers what it is that you would like to see on our blog. We try to keep our posts varied about all of our services and we try to educate our customers on ways that you can prevent malfunctions with your systems.

Is this helpful to you? Let us know. We'd love to hear from you!

Make it a great Monday!!